The organizations listed below offer options for treatment, from structured inpatient and outpatient programs, to peer support groups, to electronic aids in quantifying success with new lifestyle changes.
SAMHSA Substance Abuse Treatment Locator
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides education and research information, as well as a tool for finding treatment facilities. Select the appropriate filters to narrow down your selections. The resulting list prints out more elegantly than it presents on the screen.
ASAM Physician Locator
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) is the premier association for addiction professionals in the U.S. With a focus on furthering access to treatment, developing standards for care, and educating its members, ASAM holds annual conferences, creates policy papers and provides information for clinicians and the public. To find an addiction specialist, click on the brown box on the right hand side of the screen. State chapters are listed under “Membership.”
CSAM Physician Locator
The California Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM) is California’s addiction medicine home and is ASAM’s largest state chapter. CSAM’s goal is to provide education and develop public policy, while advocating for access to treatment. CSAM also provides a directory of the specialties of its members.
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry is professional membership organization for learning and sharing about the art and science of addiction psychiatry research and clinical treatment. They provide an extensive patient resources guide, with several articles addressing women and veterans.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
An international fellowship of women and men who want to do something about their drinking problem, relying on the twelve step program devised in 1939.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Worldwide peer support through group meetings and working the twelve steps, for addicts seeking a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle.
Peer support for families and friends of problem drinkers.
Peer support for young people, 13-18, affected by the problem drinkers.
SMART Recovery
Non-profit spin-off from Rational Recovery, focusing on science-based tools for recovery from alcohol, drug and process addictions, e.g. gambling and other activities. Face to face and online meetings for adults and adolescents.
Rational Recovery (RR)
Disbanding its peer groups in 1999, RR’s cognitive orientation was shown to have some merit. It exists today as a for-profit, with a decided family-centered emphasis on the individual’s acknowledging and taking charge of his/her addiction.
Mobile Apps
Applications to complement and monitor substance abuse treatment and recovery are growing in number. Ask peers and treatment centers or search the Internet for one that works for you, but remember – it’s always your personal commitment and effort that effects your recovery, not some digital magic.